
Upcoming Edition: 21 – 30 March 2025 Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Online.

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Selection Kaboom Animation Festival 2019


Duerrenwaid 8 (Dürrenwaid 8), Ines Christine Geißer, Kirsten Carina Geißer (Germany, 2018), 06:50

Geenie Reenie II, Andrew Onorato (Australia, 2019), 06:55

One Pair Coat,  Yi Luo (Germany, 2019), 03:15

Five (fuenf), Peter Kaboth (Germany, 2019), 06:55

Desire on the Surface of the Skin, Sunny Stanila (Canada, 2019), 02:42

Top 5 Animation Containers, Ben Wheele (United Kingdom, 2019), 05:55

Applesauce (Apfelmus), Alexander Gratzer (Austria, 2019), 06:51

Now I Think I’m Happy, Phil Mulloy ( United Kingdom, 2019), 05:00

Still Lives (Kiirehessä Liikkumatoin), Elli Vuorinen (Finland, 2019), 06:02

VvWW, Doug Bayne (Australia, 2018), 01:30

Mr. Mare (Lidérc úr), Luca Tóth (Hungary, France, 2019), 19:26

Lust of Hunt, Monta Andzejevska (Latvia, 2018), 04:04

Dog Pianist, William Garratt (United Kingdom, 2018), 00:38

Protocorba, Kirill Khachaturov (Russia, 2019), 07:10

Flow, Adriaan Lokman (The Netherlands, France, 2019), 13:43

KIDS, Michael Frei (Switzerland, 2019), 09:00

Plankton, Gustaf Lindstrom (United Kingdom, 2018), 05:12

GIFTED, Yuka Nakamura (Japan, 2019), 06:30

Daughter (Dcera), Daria Kashcheeva (Czech Republic, 2019), 14:44

Mekakure, Akifumi Nonaka (Japan, 2019), 05:30

We Are Future Shock, Zohar Dvir (United Kingdom, 2019), 04:22

Elephant Music, Robin Clifford Ellis (Finland, 2019), 02:20

{ Si So Mi }, Zhangxu Zhan (Taiwan, 2018), 05:00

Sugestion of least resistance, Michelle and Uri Kranot (Denmark, Austria, 2019), 05:25

ACID RAIN, Tomek Popakul (Poland, 2019), 25:00

Story, Jola Bankowska (Poland, 2019), 05:00

Resurrection (Ressurreição), Otto Guerra (Brazil, 2019), 04:00

PTSD, Claudia Cortés Espejo, Lora D’Addazio, Mathilde Remy (Belgium, 2019), 08:24

1 Meter/Hour (1 Mètre/Heure), Nicolas Deveaux, (France, 2018), 08:37

Under The Rib Cage (Sous le Cartilage des côtes), Bruno Tondeur (France, Belgium, 2018), 13:02

Dead End – episode 01 – The Most Important Speech You’ll Ever Hear, Nir Berger (Israel, 2019), 04:17

The Flounder, Elizabeth Hobbs (United Kingdom, Austria, 2019), 06:24

Kinky Kitchen, Bea Höller (Germany, 2018) 01:53

A Town Called Panic : The County Fair (Panique au village : La Foire Agricole), Vincent Patar, Stéphane Aubier (France, Belgium, 2019), 26:15

Farce (Farse), Robin Jensen (Norway, 2019), 10:54

Symbiosis, Paul Raillard (France, 2019), 04:30

Trochilidae, Gonzalo R. Checa (Spain, Germany, 2019), 01:31

Roughhouse, Jonathan Hodgson (France, United Kingdom, 2018), 15:35

Sororal (Sororelle), Frédéric Even, Louise Mercadier (France, 2019), 14:56

Mitya’s Love (Mitina Lyubov), Svetlana Filippova (Russia, 2018), 14:04

Getting Started, William Crook (Switzerland, 2019), 02:01

Lah gah (Letting go), Cécile Brun (Switzerland, 2019), 06:33

Lola the living potato (Lola zhivaya kartoshka), Leonid Shmelkov (Russia, France, 2018), 17:18

Teamwork, Arad Safarzadegan (Germany, Iran, 2019), 07:00

Dancing Frog, Jin-man Kim (South Korea, 2018), 09:00

Drive (Pulsión), Pedro Casavecchia (United Kingdom, 2019), 07:00

The Spirits of Cairn (Kean no Kubitachi), Shinobu Soejima (Japan, 2018), 07:12

Linz Delight (Linzer Lust), Maya Yonesho (Austria, Japan, 2019), 03:17

Orpheus, Priit Tender (Estonia, 2019), 12:48

No, I Don’t Want to Dance!,  Andrea Vinciguerra (United Kingdom, 2019), 02:39

I’m going out for cigarettes (Je sors acheter des cigarettes),Osman Cerfon (France, 2018), 13:35

Wild Love, Paul Autric, Quentin Camus, Léa Georges, Maryka Laudet, Zoé Sottiaux, Corentin Yvergniaux (France, 2018), 06:55

Hors de l’eau, Simon Duong Van Huyen, Joël Durand, Thibault Leclercq, Valentin Lucas, Andrei Sitari (France, 2018), 08:00

Purpleboy, Alexandre Siqueira (Portugal, France, Belgium, 2019), 13:55

The Dawn of Ape, Mirai Mizue (Japan, 2019), 04:15

A date (Rande), Michaela Mihalyi (Czech Republic, 2018), 01:17

The Slug Finger, Lily Shaul (United Kingdom, 2019), 03:57

Toomas Beneath the Valley of the Wild Wolves, Chintis Lundgren (Estonia, Croatia, France, 2019), 18:00

Love at the Crossroads (사랑은 꿈과 현실의 외길목에서), Hee-seung Choi (South Korea, 2019), 05:40

The Death Vendor (死の商人 Shi no shounin), Jinkyu Jeon (Japan, South Korea,2019), 05:40

Frozen Beauty, Sun Gloria L (Taiwan, 2019), 07:10

Slug Life, Sophie Koko Gate (United Kingdom, 2018), 06:36

Lemoncholy, Maya Pirulli (United States, 2019), 04:23

Animals, Tue Sanggaard (Denmark, 2019), 06:33

Tom has a plant, Thinh Nguyen (Denmark, 2019), 06:00

Playmobil Generation (Génération Playmobils), Thomas Leclercq (Belgium, 2018), 07:28

Memorable (Mémorable), Bruno Collet (France, 2019), 12:02

Body World, Kitty Faingold (United Kingdom, 2018), 07:11

Iron me (Repasse moi), Ivan Rabbiosi (France, 2019), 08:45

Sounds Good, Sander Joon (Estonia, 2018), 09:50

Sweet Sweat, Jung Hyun Kim (Estonia, 2018), 06:13

Winter in the Rainforest (Talv vihmametsas), Anu-Laura Tuttelberg (Estonia, Mexico, Lithuania, 2019), 08:35

Dream Cream, Noam Sussman (Estonia, Canada, 2019), 04:46

Kids shorts

Solipsism, Tuna Bora, Jonathan Djob Nkondo (France, United States, 2019), 06:40

Sunday (Dimanche), Fanny Dreyer, Gaël Kyriakidis (Switzerland, 2018), 10:29

Angel’s Trumpet (Inglitrompet), Martinus Klemet (Estonia, 2019), 02:26

The Bird & the Whale, Carol Freeman (Ireland, 2018), 07:03

Goldie, Emily Brundige (United States, 2019), 04:41

The Watermelon (La Pastèque), Tiantian Qiu (France, 2018), 03:40

Pip, Bruno Simoes (Spain, 2018), 04:05

Whiteland, Ira Elshansky (Russia, 2018), 06:42

Good Heart, Evgeniya Jirkova (Russia, 2018), 05:12

NEST, Sonja Rohleder (Germany, 2019), 04:10

a bus (公交车), Wenyu Li (China, 2018), 06:36

GIFTED, Yuka Nakamura (Japan, 2019), 06:30

Under the Canopy (Sous la Canopée), Bastien Dupriez (France, 2019), 06:38

Home Sweet Home (Le Refuge de l’écureuil), Chaitane Conversat (France, Switzerland, 2018), 13:23

Sam’s Dream (Le Rêve de Sam), Nolwenn Roberts (France, 2018), 07:18

Butterboo (Bamboule), Émilie Pigeard (France, Belgium, 2018), 09:14

Matilda, Irene Iborra Rizo, Eduard Puertas Anfruns (France, Spain, Belgium, 2018), 07:00

Big Wolf & Little Wolf (Grand Loup & Petit Loup), Remi Durin (France, Belgium, 2018), 14:00

Showering turd (Badderende drol), Arno de Grijs (The Netherlands, 2018), 00:38

A Tiger with no Stripes (Le Tigre sans rayures), Raul ‘Robin’ Morales Reyes (France, Switzerland, 2018), 08:40

Maraude and Murphy, Helene Ducrocq (France, 2018), 08:00

Elsa and the Night (Sigrid och Natten), Jöns Mellgren (Sweden, 2019), 09:20

Bless you! (Na zdrowie!), Paulina Ziolkowska (Poland, 2018), 05:00

The last day of autumn  (Le dernier jour d’automne), Marjolaine Perreten (Switzerland, 2019), 07:20

Zibilla, Isabelle Favez (Switzerland, 2019), 26:10

Elves of Karoo, Yves Paradis (Germany, 2018), 06:32

Musicanimals, Stella Raith (Germany, 2019), 01:30

The Thrilling Tales of Dreadful Draco and His Frightful Friends (Draco a borzasztó – és förtelmes barátainak rémületes kalandjai), Bálint Kelen (Hungary, 2019), 11:22

ZOO, Nina Heckel (France, 2019), 03:49

Sloth (Faultier),  Julia Ocker (Germany, 2018), 03:37

Zog, Max Lang, Daniel Snaddon (United Kingdom, 2018), 27:10

Elephant (Elefant), Julia Ocker (Germany, 2018), 03:37

Small Spark (Petite Etincelle), Julie Rembauville, Nicolas Bianco-Levrin (France, 2018), 03:00

The First Class, Myung-eun Kim  (South Korea, 2019), 03:58

Spirit of the Drowning Girls (云中居三子:溺女婆), Runze Cao (China, 2019), 10:14

amiinA-sign, Taro Otani (Japan, 2019), 05:00

Food Chain (Toiduahel), Mari Kivi, Liis Kokk (Estonia, 2018), 08:30

Basilisk (Vasilisk), Vera Pozdeeva (Russia, 2018), 06:05

Fox and Hare – Treasure (Vos en haas – Schat), Tom van Gestel, Mascha Halberstad (The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, 2019), 10:47

Fox and Hare – Winner (Vos en Haas – Overwinnaar), Mascha Halberstad, Tom van Gestel (The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, 2019), 10:48

Hors Piste, Léo Brunel, Loris Cavalier, Camille Jalabert, Oscar Malet (France, 2018), 06:01

Lucky Ticket (Счастливый билет), Svetlana Andrianova (Russia, 2018), 04:11

In my bathtub I’m the captain in command (IN MEINER BADEWANNE BIN ICH KAPITÄN), Meike Fehre, Sabine Dully (Germany, 2019), 03:53

I have a little cactus (Mein kleiner grüner Kaktus), Meike Fehre, Sabine Dully (Germany           , 2019), 03:55

Cloudy Pod (mrakem), Zuzana Čupová, Filip Diviak (Czech Republic, 2018), 04:43

Huggleboo – Careful (Knofje – Voorzichtig), Anneke de Graaf (The Netherlands, 2019), 06:58

POLARBARRY – LET’S BREAK THE ICE! – VLOG #207, Wouter Dijkstra (The Netherlands, United Kingdom, 2019), 04:37

The Kite, Martin Smatana (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, 2019), 13:07

Dutch shorts

Savage Death Valley, Waldemar Schuur (The Netherlands, 2019), 23:10

Intermission Expedition, Wiep Teeuwisse (The Netherlands, 2019), 08:21

Spring, Andy Goralczyk (The Netherlands, 2019), 07:44

Emily, marlies van der wel (The Netherlands, 2018), 07:50

Orbit,Tess Martin (The Netherlands, 2019), 06:49

Hollyhockin’ ( h o l l y h o c k i n ‘ ), Eline Meyer (The Netherlands, 2019), 04:04

Happy Birthday (Lang Zullen Ze Leven), Jing Yue Zwaan (The Netherlands, 2019), 02:39

Gaijin Sashimi, Erik Vos (The Netherlands, 2019), 05:02

Heaven’s lake (Hemelrijk), Isa Hellenberg (The Netherlands, 2019), 03:24

Human Nature, Sverre Fredriksen (The Netherlands, 2019), 02:15


Away, Gints Zilbalodis (Latvia, 2019),01:14:42

Funan, Dennis Do (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, 2018), 01:24:00

The Wolf House (La Casa Lobo), Christobal Leon, Joaquin Cociña (Chile, 2018), 01:13:00

The Swallows of Kabul (Les Hirondelles de Kaboul), Zabou Breitman, Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec (France, 2019), 01:20:00

Tux and Fanny, Albert Birney (United States, 2019), 01:22:00

Mirai (Mirai no Mirai), Mamoru Hosoda (Japan, 2018), 01:38:00

The Test of Time (De Tand des Tijds), Joost van den Bosch, Erik Verkerk (The Netherlands, 2019), 01:21:54

Captain Morten and the Spider Queen (Kapten Morten lollide laeval),Kaspar Jancis (Estonia, Ireland, Belgium, United Kingdom, 2018), 01:20:00

Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs (Jēkabs, Mimmi un runājošie suņi), Edmunds Jansons (Latvia, Poland, 2018),01:10:00


A strange trial (Uno Strano Processo), Marcel Barelli (Switzerland, 2018), 09:57

Bear With Me, Daphna Awadish (The Netherlands, 2018), 04:46

Apart (Spolu Sami), Diana Cam Van Nguyen (Czech Republic, 2018), 09:52

My trip to Japan (Viaje a Japón), Dante Zaballa (Japan, Argentina, 2018), 03:37

West Question East Answer, Dal Park (United Kingdom, 2018), 06:26

Swatted, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis (France, 2018), 21:14

Saigon sur Marne, Aude Ha Leplège (France, Belgium, 2019), 14:12

Candy Shop, Patrick Smith Smith (United States, 2019), 02:20

Alba’s Memories (Memorie di Alba), Maria Steinmetz, Andrea Martignoni (Germany, Italy, 2019), 06:20

A story by Jeannot (Une Histoire de Jeannot), Julie Rembauville, Nicolas Bianco-Levrin (France, 2019), 15:56

Oneself story (Récit de soi), Géraldine Charpentier (Belgium, 2018), 04:53

2.3 x 2.6 x 3.2, Jiaqi Wang (United Kingdom, 2019), 03:47

Younger, Happier, Frederieke Mooij (The Netherlands, 2019), 04:15

Umbilical, Danski Tang (United States, 2019), 06:53

Tracing Addai, Esther Niemeier (Germany, 2018), 29:54

Commissioned shorts

It’s All Family, Johnny Kelly (United Kingdom, 2019), 01:10

Step Up, Johnny Kelly (United Kingdom, 2019), 01:10

Just Be You, Johnny Kelly (United Kingdom, 2019), 01:19

Sit With Someone New, Johnny Kelly (United Kingdom, 2019), 01:10

The Sex Recession, Jackie Lay (United States,2018), 03:30

Pip, Bruno Simoes (Spain, 2018), 04:05

The Story of François and Amélie (L’histoire de François et Amélie), Douwe van der Werf (The Netherlands, Spain, 2018), 03:26

Fraude: Dieselgate, Roman Klochkov, Anna Heuninck (Belgium, 2019), 01:33

Window Worlds, Moth Studio N/a (United Kingdom, 2018), 00:30

Anibaaar, Britt Raes (Belgium, 2018), 00:40

Mushrooms at Work (Mycelium), Qieer Wang (United States, 2018), 01:56

Kinky Kitchen, Bea Höller (Germany, 2018), 01:53

Wutong Emerging Industrial Cluster, Bohong Deng (China, 2018), 03:31

Clipphanger: Wat zijn blaren? (Clipphanger: What are blisters?), Erik Butter (The Netherlands, 2018), 01:27

The PVC-Horse (Het PVC-Paardje), Ambassadors (The Netherlands, 2019), 00:35

Unstoppable Kingdom, Elyse Kelly (United States, 2019), 02:34

Google: 20th Anniversary Doodle, Nico Piccirilli, Fran Marquez (The Netherlands, 2018), 01:37

Multiply, William Medcalf, Amy Wright, Sam Mowforth (United Kingdom, 2019), 01:35

Only Slightly Exaggerated (United States, 2019), 01:29

My Best Friend “Rewinds”, Will Anderson, Ainslie Henderson (United Kingdom, 2018), 01:24

Kinderen voor Kinderen – Reis Mee, Job, Joris & Marieke (The Netherlands, 2019), 02:53

Ted-Ed “Why Should You Read ‘Waiting for Godot’?”, Tomás Pichardo (United States, 2018), 05:04

Music video

GYRE, Florian Guibert (Belgium, 2019), 08:11

Paraguaya Punk, Dante Zaballa (Argentina, 2019), 02:16

Elohim: Connect (Co-Prod. by Skrillex), Oksana Kurmaz (Ukraine, United States, 2018), 03:05

Lea Porcelain – The Love, Jakob Schmidt (Germany, 2019), 03:37

Chemicals – Parker Bossley, Joseph Wallace (United Kingdom, 2018), 04:12

loTus, Takuto Katayama (Japan, 2018), 04:07

Belzebubs – Cathedrals of Mourning, Samppa Kukkonen (Finland, 2019), 05:27

We’re Dead, Samuel Lewis (United Kingdom, 2018), 04:33

Rodeo, Diyala Muir (United Kingdom, 2019), 03:13

Daylight, Amir B Jahanbin (United States, 2019), 03:22

Fill The Skies (Disparan), Leonardo Beltrán (Chile, 2018), 04:07

Hateful Goo, Max Winston (United States, 2019), 03:30

Tatran – White Lies, Shahaf  Ram (Israel, 2018),03:57

Experimental shorts

And Then The Bear (L’Heure de L’Ours), Agnes Patron, 14:00

Don’t Know What, Thomas Renoldner, 8:16

4:3, Ross Hogg, 4:48

After Disappearing (na het verdwijnen), Mai Calon, 4:58

Half Asleep, Caibei Cai   5:15

No Objects (Sans Objets), Moïa Jobin-Paré, 6:34

Uprising, Steven Woloshen

Serial Parallels (序列平行), Max Hattler, 9:00

ADORABLE, Cheng-Hsu Chung, 5:43

Trauma Chameleon, Gina Kamentsky, 2:50

Virtual Reality

Die Fernweh Oper (The Shoebox Diorama), Daniel Ernst (The Netherlands)

Black Bag (黑色皮包), Qing Shao (China, 2019), 12:36

MindPalace, Carl Krause, Dominik Stockhausen (Germany), 10:00

Tales of Wedding Rings, Sou Kaei (Japan), 27:00

Passenger, Isobel Knowles, Van Sowerwine (Australia), 10:00

Chorus, Tyler Hurd (United States), 7:00

Accused #2 : Walter Sisulu, Gilles Porte, Nicolas Champeaux (France, 2018), 14:30

Gloomy Eyes, Jorge Tereso, Fernando Maldonado (France, Argentina, Taiwan, United States), 18:00

Songbird, Lucy Greenwell, Michelle & Uri Kranot (Denmark, UK, 2018), 10:00

Wings (Aripi), Dmitri Voloshin (Moldova, 2019), 7:05

In the sky, Martin Živocký (Czech Republic, 2018), 3:30

Relation . ship, Zoey Lin, Kun Xia (United States, 2018), 7:20

Another Dream, Tamara Shogaolu (The Netherlands, Egypt, United States, 2019), 20:00

Ghost in the Shell: Ghost Chaser, Hiroaki Higashi (Japan), 8:00

Still There?,  Kela van der Deijl, Mischa Penders, Līva Sadovska (The Netherlands), 8:30