Complete program Kaboom Animation Festival 2023 online!

Hurray! The complete program of Kaboom Animation Festival 2023 is now online. Check it out here. Also, the program for the animation professionals is online here.

As promised, this year, we’re all about exploring the repercussions of perfection! With the theme program Beyond Perfection, we will zoom in on the modern focus on the perfect body, the variability of what is seen as perfect and the impact this has on people and on the creative process.

Great news! We can now finally share the program with you! Please go on our website and navigate through all the features films, shorts and live shows and make a must-see list. The gates to our Animation Valhalla will be open from March 24th to April 2nd, 2023. Find us in Utrecht, Amsterdam and online!

Tickets to our seventh heaven will be on sale from the 1st of March.
Keep checking our website and socials for the latest updates. But first, check our out-of-this-world program.