
Upcoming Edition: 21 – 30 March 2025 Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Online.

Next festival edition of Kaboom in Spring 2021

Dear friends and lovers of animation,

Due to the uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 crisis, we at the Kaboom Animation Festival have made the very tough decision to cancel the boutique edition that was planned for November 2020. As much as it breaks our hearts, the safety of our visitors, guests and festival crew is the most important thing in the multiverse so we had to let it go.

But have patience, because we invite you for five fantastic animation-filled days during the next edition of our festival in the spring of 2021, which will take place from 31st of March till 4th of April 2021. Rest assured that we will take the extra time to ensure we can provide an amazing, out of this world animation extravaganza the likes the world has never seen before, adapted to a whole new reality.

Until then, we will keep the festival spirit and the animation community alive with our online presence and we wish you all lot’s of love, good health and strength to still make magic happen every day!

Call for Entries and submitting your film
This change also means we’ve moved the deadline for your film submissions. If you submit your film before the 1st of October 2020, we’ll consider your film for the festival edition in Spring 2021. All films already submitted for 2020 are automatically eligible for 2021 and do not need to be resubmitted. More information on submissions can be found here.