
Upcoming Edition: 21 – 30 March 2025 Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Online.

Complete program Kaboom Animation Festival and Industry Days 2024 online!

As promised, this year, we explore the theme of home in animation. In various programs we offer a mix of visual gems exploring home as a space, and films about subjects related to home, like forced migration, being unrooted and future nomadism. We invite audiences and artists to name, draw, design and inhabit elements that make them feel at home. By exchanging stories, we want to make everyone feel at home and welcome each other.

Great news! We can now finally share the program with you! Please go on our website and navigate through all the features films, shorts and live shows and make a must-see list. From the 5th through the 14th of April, in Utrecht, Amsterdam, and online, we’ve got you covered.

Keep checking our website and socials for the latest updates. But first, check our out-of-this-world program.

Grab your golden ticket to the chocolate … euh animation factory! Picture this: two days wholly dedicated to the animation industry. No compromises, no prisoners, but loads of inspirational insights and a feeling of brother/sisterhood. Whether you’re a seasoned or young animator, a sales magician, a distribution maestro, a teacher, a multi-disciplinary artist or an innocent student, the Kaboom Industry Days are the perfect opportunity to ponder the pulsating heartbeat of all things animated, to meet peers and share ideas (just don’t steal them). This year’s edition invites you to reflect on world-building in animation and new approaches to producing. And with more one-on-one meetings than ever, this two-day event promises to be a singular network opportunity. Join us on 9 and 10 April 2024 in Utrecht.

Location: HKU Media, Oudenoord 700, Utrecht

Check out the full program.

Ticket sales start on March 8th, so mark your calendar and make sure you have decided on your personal Kaboom route by then!