
Upcoming Edition: 21 – 30 March 2025 Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Online.

Theme Program | Focus on South Korea

When sifting through the huge yearly supply of animated shorts and features from all around the planet, one thing we kept noticing was the sheer quality of the South Korean films we got to lay our eyes on. And it’s not just the quality that makes South Korean animation stand out so much: it also distinguishes itself because it displays a perplexing richness of creativity. It is very much its own special thing, and comparing it to cinema from any other country would be like comparing apples and oranges that have been processed into a tasty kimchi.

We used to be quite the noobs when it came to the history of South Korean animation: it was like having a very intriguing stranger in our midst that we wanted to know a whole lot better. That’s why we decided to do a deep dive into its sumptuous history. We were so delighted with the stuff we dug up that we decided to dedicate part of Kaboom Animation Festival 2019 entirely to the mind-bending world of South Korean animation. We hope you’ll enjoy!

Feature films

Aachi & Ssipak

Aachi & Ssipak

The King of Pigs

King of Pigs

The Satellite Girl and Milk Cow

The Satellite Girl and Milk Cow

Shorts program

If Memory Serves Me Well

If Memory Serves Me Well

Her Side of the Story

Her Side of the Story

Sensory Overload

Sensory Overload

Everyday People

Everyday People

The Big Shorts

The Big Shorts