
Upcoming Edition: 21 – 30 March 2025 Utrecht, Amsterdam, and Online.

Kaboom Animation Festival poster 2023

Jaaaaa…. we kunnen de poster eindelijk met jullie delen! Hier is hij dan! Ontworpen door de geweldige Leyla Ali, onze illustrator waar we nu voor het 3e jaar op rij mee werken. Ze vertelt het verhaal achter de poster in haar woorden:


💖 Leyla: “It’s about the ultimate acceptance and non-apologetic love for one’s own body. For me, this represents a woman being completely comfortable with her body image. There is also distortion in the perspective that makes it look like an eye where the waves and clouds play the role of the eyelashes. I didn’t want to make it too obvious, so it’s more of a hidden gem or a visual trick. This refers back to the concept of ‘inner acceptance.’ Think of it like this: “I have this beautiful imaginary island where the naked version of myself lays down on a beach feeling free from anxiety and fears of what society wants to shape me in. I am looking at the world through the lemse of me being the most comfortable and free version of myself.”